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  1. P. Klimas, J. S. Streibel, Signum-gordon shock waves with spherical symmetry in (2+1) and (3+1) dimensions, Phys. Scr100, 025238, (2025)
  2. F.M. Hahne, P. Klimas, Kink-antikink collisions in hyper-massive models,  JHEP 10, 162, (2024)
  3. F.M. Hahne, P. Klimas, Scattering of compact kinks,  JHEP 01, 067, (2024) 
  4. P. Klimas, L.C. Kubaski, N. Sawado and S. Yanai, Q-capacitor formulation of the CPN nonlinear sigma model, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 2667 012026 (2023)
  5. F.M. Hahne, P. Klimas, Compact kink and its interaction with compact oscillons,  JHEP 09, 100, (2022) 
  6. P. Klimas, N. Sawado, S. Yanai , Nodal compact Q-ball/Q-shell in the CPN nonlinear sigma model, Phys. Rev. D 105, 085004 (2022)
  7. P. Klimas, L.C.  Kubaski, N. Sawado and S. Yanai, Compact Q-balls and Q-shells in a multi-component CPN model, JHEP 09, 84, (2021) 
  8. F.M. Hahne, P. Klimas and J.S. Streibel, Decay of shocklike waves into compact oscillons, Phys. Rev. D101, 076013 (2020) 
  9. F.M. Hahne, P. Klimas, J.S. Streibel and W.J. Zakrzewski, Scattering of compact oscillons, J. High Energ. Phys. 01,06 (2020)
  10. L.A. Ferreira, P. Klimas, A. Wereszczynski and W. J. Zakrzewski, Some comments on BPS systems, Journal of Physics A-Mathematical and Theoretical 52, 315201 (2019)
  11. P. Klimas, N. Sawado, S. Yanai, Gravitating compact Q-ball and Q-shell solutions in the nonlinear sigma model, Phys. Rev. D99, 045015, (2019)
  12. L.A. Ferreira, P. Klimas and W. J. Zakrzewski, Self-dual sectors for scalar field theories in (1+1) dimensionsJ. High Energ. Phys. 01,20 (2019)
  13. P. Klimas, J. S. Streibel, A. Wereszczynski and W. J. Zakrzewski, Oscillons in a perturbed signum-Gordon modelJ. High Energ. Phys. 04,102 (2018)
  14. P. Klimas, L.R. Livramento, Compact Q-balls and Q-shells in CPN-type modelsPhys. Rev. D 96, 016001 (2017)
  15. P. Klimas, Composite BPS Skyrmions from an Exact Isospin Symmetry Breaking, Acta Phys. Pol. B 47, 2245 (2016)
  16. Y. Amari, P. Klimas, N. Sawado,  Collective coordinate quantization and spin statistics of the solitons in the Skyrme-Faddeev model, Phys. Rev. D 94, 025032 (2016) 
  17. L. A. Ferreira, P. Klimas, W. J. Zakrzewski, Quasi-integrable deformations of the SU(3) Affine Toda theory. J. High Energ. Phys. 05,065 (2016)
  18. Y. Amari, P. Klimas, N. Sawado, Y. Tamaki, Solutions in the CPN Skyrme type model.  Journal of Physics, Conference Series  670, 012002 (2016)
  19. Y. Amari, P. Klimas, N. Sawado, Y. Tamaki, Potentials and the vortex solutions in the Skyrme-Faddeev model, Phys. Rev. D 92, 045007 (2015)
  20. L. A. Ferreira, P. Klimas, W. J. Zakrzewski,  Some properties of (3 + 1) dimensional vortex solutions in the extended CPN Skyrme-Faddeev model, J.High Energ. Phys. 12, 098  (2011) 
  21. L. A. Ferreira, P. Klimas, W. J. Zakrzewski, Properties of some (3+1)-dimensional vortex solutions of the CPN model, Phys. Rev. D 84, 085022 (2011)
  22. L. A. Ferreira, P. Klimas, W. J. Zakrzewski, Some (3+1)-dimensional vortex solutions of the CPN model, Phys. Rev. D 83, 105018 (2011)
  23. L. A. Ferreira, P. Klimas,  Exact vortex solutions in a CPN Skyrme-Faddeev type model, J.High Energ. Phys. 10, 008 (2010)
  24.  C. Adam, N. Grandi, P. Klimas, J. Sánchez-Guillén, A. Wereszczynski, Compact boson stars in K field theories. Gen. Relativ. Gravit. 42, 2663 (2010) 
  25. C. Adam, P. Klimas, J. Sánchez-Guillén, A. Wereszczynski, Compact baby Skyrmions, Phys. Rev. D 80, 105013 (2009)
  26. C. Adam, P. Klimas, J. Sánchez-Guillén, A. Wereszczynski,  Compact shell solitons in K field theories, Journ. Math. Phys. 50, 102303 (2009)
  27. C. Adam, P. Klimas, J. Sánchez-Guillén, A. Wereszczynski, Pullback of the volume form, integrable models in higher dimensions and exotic textures. Journ. Math. Phys. 50, 022301 (2009)
  28. C. Adam, P. Klimas, J. Sánchez-Guillén, A. Wereszczynski,  Compact gauge K vortices, Journal of Physics A, Mathematical and Theoretical 42, 35401 (2009)
  29. P. Klimas, Compact Shock Impulses in Models with V-shaped Potentials, Acta Phys. Pol. B 40, 2703 (2009)
  30. C. Adam, N. Grandi, P. Klimas, J. Sánchez-Guillén, A. Wereszczynski,  Compact self-gravitating solutions of quartic (K) fields in brane cosmology, Journal of Physics A, Mathematical and Theoretical 41, 375401 (2008)
  31. P. Klimas,  Perturbations of the signum-Gordon model, Journal of Physics. A, Mathematical and Theoretical 41, 095403 (2008)
  32. H. Arodz, P. Klimas, T. Tyranowski, Compact oscillons in the signum-Gordon model, Phys. Rev. D 77, 047701  (2008)
  33. H. Arodz, P. Klimas, T. Tyranowski,  Signum-Gordon wave equation and its self-similar solutions, Acta Phys. Pol. B 38, 3099 (2007)
  34. H. Arodz, P. Klimas, T. Tyranowski, Self-similarity for V-shaped field potentials: Further examples, Acta Phys. Pol. B 38, 2537 (2007)
  35. P. Klimas,  On shock waves in models with V-shaped potentials, Acta Phys. Pol. B 38, 21 (2007)
  36. H. Arodz, P. Klimas, T. Tyranowski,  Scaling, self-similar solutions and shock waves for V-shaped field potentials, Phys. Rev. E 73, 046609 (2006)
  37. H. Arodz, P. Klimas, T. Tyranowski, Field-theoretic models with V-shaped potentials, Acta Phys. Pol. B 36, 3861 (2005)
  38. H. Arodz, P. Klimas, Chain of impacting pendulums as non-analytically perturbed sine-Gordon system, Acta Phys. Pol. B 36, 787 (2005)